Welcome to our Lab Guide for Continuous Integration and Deployment with AWS Code Services
While attempting the lab, students usually run into 1 of 2 issues. Either the build fails and generates errors, or, they are unable to connect to the EC2. Below you'll find troubleshooting steps for each issue separately.
Build Errors
Ensure that the environment is loaded 100% before launching
Log into AWS using the provided credentials
Ensure that the previous steps were followed closely
Start Building and Testing with AWS CodeBuild step:
Enter this command: more buildspec.yml, ensure you are on the correct prompt:
Go to Codebuild in AWS and click create build project.
Ensure the requirements were fulfilled:
Project name: ca-app
Source provider: AWS CodeCommit (notice Amazon S3 and Github are also supported)
Repository: ca-app (your exact repository name will appear in the drop-down menu)
Branch: master
Environment image: Managed image
Operating System: Ubuntu
Runtime: Standard
Image: aws/codebuild/standard:4.0
Image Version: Always use the latest image for this runtime version
Service role: Existing service role
Role name: codebuild-ca-app-role
Allow AWS CodeBuild to modify this service role so it can be used with this buildproject: unchecked
Build specification: Use a buildspec file
Artifacts type: Amazon S3
Bucket name: Select the bucket from the drop-down menu containing codebuildartifacts in the name
Name: ca-app-artifacts.zip
Artifacts packaging: Zip
Click create build project
Once it is ready click start build:
If all instructions were closely followed the build should be successful
This would let you pass the check:
Dev Instances Are Missing
To view the available EC2 instance please ensure that you have the region set to "Oregon". In the previous step (Creating an AWS CodeCommit Repository), the IAM service uses a global region. When you go to another service from IAM, the region may change to anything other than the required one which is Oregon. When this happens, just change the region back to Oregon and the instance should be seen:
I hope this helps!
If you have any additional questions or concerns please email support@cloudacademy.com
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