Welcome to QA's Lab Guide for our Hands-on Lab Azure Key Vault and Disk Encryption!
In this lab, students must use Powershell to create resources in a live Azure environment. The most common reported concern is that the script fails to deploy properly. However, this is generally caused by a typo or misconfiguration while performing the steps in the instructions. Particularly tricky for new students, is learning how to run certain selections of the code at once and not the entire script.
Below, you'll find detailed steps to help you through the first deployment.
Ensure that the lab environment has loaded 100% before launching Azure:
It is best to open Azure using an incognito window and log in using the provided credentials for the lab session. Note that the credentials change with every session:
Once logged in, follow the steps to connect to the RDP as per the instructions and ensure that all the previous steps were followed strictly.
For this step: Connecting to Azure via PowerShell, ensure you were able to change the subscription ID as needed:
For this step: Loading Azure VM Encryption Variables ensure that the needed variables are replaced before running the commands:
Run the next set of commands and ensure that it finishes running before going on
For the part where you are getting the error, please ensure you are only running/highlighting the commands needed at the time:
If you are getting an error on this part, please retrace your steps and ensure that the instructions are followed strictly. Note that our policies are very strict, and any small change can compromise the lab. Ensure you selected the correct region and that all settings, values, and names are exactly as described in the instructions. Also, take a look at our Help Center article Troubleshooting Problems With Labs.
Now that your first resource has deployed and now that you know how only deploy selected code, you should be able to complete the rest of the lab without any assistance.
I hope this guide has helped and if you have any additional questions or concerns, please email support@cloudacademy.com
Happy Training!
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