This article describes adding a member to your enterprise account who already has a personal account subscription. If you are looking for information creating an enterprise account from a personal account (such as after an evaluation period), see Upgrading a Personal Account to an Enterprise Account.
Members with Personal Account Subscriptions
Sometimes an employee might have a personal QA account prior to starting work with your company or prior to your company starting an enterprise account. Fortunately, it is easy to invite this member to your enterprise account. Note that the user's history and progress will be kept separately and they will not be moved into the enterprise subscription.
How to Invite a Member who Has a Preexisting Personal Account
You use the same steps to invite a member who has a preexisting personal account as you use to invite any member. See Managing Members. The system automatically converts the personal account to a member account in your enterprise and cancels the personal account. The system retains the member's history and progress on a separate instance, as different subscriptions' progress and history cannot be merged.
Note: If you require your users to use their corporate email address (such as if you enable SSO) but the personal account used a personal email address, the member can update the login email address. See How do I change my login email?
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