When performing the lab Deploying And Monitoring Azure App Service Web Apps, creating the app service plan can be difficult as it needs to be configured exactly as written in the instructions.
Here are some tips on how to pass the lab.
1) Ensure that the environment has loaded to 100% before launching the Azure portal.
2) Look for App Services Plans in the search box under services and click Create:
3) Enter the requirements for the plan as stated in the instructions:
- Resource Group: Select Use existing, then select the Lab's resource group from the drop-down menu (it will resemble cal-123).
- App Service plan: ca-lab-plan (The name must be unique per subscription, but not globally)
- Operating System: Windows
- Location: auto-populates, please ensure you choose the one within the your instruction set
It looked like this during my attempt:
4) For the pricing tier, I chose s1, which was auto-populated. In case this is not the default, please click change at the bottom to choose the correct pricing tier:
5 Click review and create. After validation, I clicked crate and waited for it to deploy:
This should let you pass the first check:
For the next step: Creating a Web App in Azure, below are the steps that I followed:
1) I went to app services and from there clicked create, make sure to choose web app:
2) I entered the below requirements as per the instructions:
- Resource Group: Select the Lab's resource group from the drop-down menu (it will resemble cal-123-45)
- Name: ca-lab-app-###### where you replace ###### with random digits. (The name must be globally unique because it is part of the DNS name for the app.)
- Runtime stack: .NET Core 3.x (LTS) (where x is the latest minor version number available)
- OS: Windows
- Region: South Central US
- App Service plan/Windows Plan: ca-lab-plan
It should look like below:
3)Move onto the Monitoring section and ensure Applications insights is ticked as "No":
4) Go to review and create, click create. Wait for it to deploy:
5) This should let you pass the 2nd validation:
For good measure, I have tested the rest of the steps in the lab and was unable to encounter any errors. I was able to finish the lab as expected.
Note that our policies are very strict and any small change can compromise the lab. Make sure you selected the correct region and that all settings, values, and names are exactly as described in the instructions. Also, take a look at our Help Center article Troubleshooting Problems With Labs.
I hope these extra steps help. If the issue persists, please send us a screenshot of your full settings (including where the values are entered in the fields) and any error message by emailing platformsupport@qa.com.
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