If you have received an email nudge, or if your dashboard shows that you are falling behind, you might wonder why. The system calculates whether you are on track to finish by the due date based on your progress relative to the weekly commitment to date. Depending on how the training plan is set up, you might receive a nudge each week, up to three times over the course of the training plan.
What if my training has more than just training plan content?
The platform sends email nudges about the content in the training plan only—such as lessons, hands-on labs, and exams. The platform doesn't know about training content outside of a training plan, such as webinars or in-person classes, so it can't consider those when sending the email nudges.
If your training has a mix of training plan content AND non-training-plan content, you might be busy with webinars one week and not do as much in the training plan. In this case, the platform might think that you're behind, even though your training manager intended for you to focus on non-training-plan content for a while and catch up on the training plan content later.
In this case, you might not need to be too concerned about the email nudges, but the message is still true: you'll have to increase your training time in the platform so you can meet your goal.
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