This article discusses smart skills and job role paths available to through the training library. This article is for individual accountholders and enterprise team members. Enterprise team members can also assigned job role paths by a team manager or administrator.
If you are an enterprise team manager or administrator, see Job Role Paths. Note: Job role paths have a similar name to another feature: job roles. See How Job Roles are Different from Job Role Paths for more information.
This article contains the following sections:
What are Smart Skills
Smart skills represent technology competencies that you need for a job role.
Smart skills are a special kind of skill that are measured by either a smart assessment or a lab assessment. Smart assessments are like other tests and assessments, but take less time to calculate your proficiency with a certain skill. A smart assessment can take less than 15 minutes to complete. Lab assessments are similar to our lab challenges.
In addition to being faster, smart skills are also simpler than other skills you might know from your skill profile. When you take a smart assessment, you earn a number of stars in the smart skill from zero to three. This number of stars is your starting point.
From the training library, you can find a list of smart skills you can test yourself on.
Tip: Smart skills in red are measured with a smart assessment. Smart skills in green are measured with a lab assessment.
If you are just curious about how many stars you can score, you can click the smart skill from here, follow the prompts to complete the assessment, and see how you do. On the other hand, if you already know you want to grow your skills, you can enroll in a smart job role and automatically take the smart assessments for the skills associated with that job role.
Note: You can only retake a smart assessment or lab assessment every 14 days.
You can return to this view if you'd like to see what you scored on smart assessments you've already completed.
What are Smart Job Role Paths
Like the other job role paths you find in the training library, smart job role paths are training we have selected to help you get ready for particular job role.
Unlike other job role paths, smart job role paths start with a smart assessment to see how much of the skill you've already mastered. Based on what score you get, the smart job roles tells you where to start the training. If you score well, you can save time by skipping training material over concepts you already know.
Smart job role paths appear in the training library, right below the smart assessments. You can also find them under the Job Role Path heading in the left navigation. Smart Job Role Paths are designated with a star. For more information about other the other items in this section, see Job role Paths.
When you open a smart job role path, you see information about the contents to help you decide if it is the one you want to start and how far you want to go in it.
This grid shows how high you are expected to score on each smart skill by the time you complete the smart job role path.
In the above example, if you take the training for a Mid Python Developer, you should score 2 stars on each of the smart skills by the time you are done. When you take the smart assessment, you might score 1 star on a skill. In that case, you would skip the 0-star training and start at the 1-star training to get you up to your goal. If you take the smart assessment for a skill and score 2 stars, you would skip all of the training for that skill.
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