Lab challenges offer an interactive learning experience designed to test your problem-solving skills across several technologies. Which is available for an ever-growing list of tech, you can find current labs in the QA library and see upcoming labs in the Upcoming Content list.
Each lab challenge presents a scenario and tasks you with solving a problem, allowing you to demonstrate your skills in a secure and provisioned (cloud or code) environment—no additional costs, new accounts, or cleanup required.
You'll receive account credentials for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, or the relevant technology when you start a lab challenge. The system launches all necessary resources and starts the timer. Instructions appear on your screen to guide you.
Once you create your solution, you can run a verification check to see if it’s successful. You can refine your solution until you get it right or time runs out.
The journey through a lab challenge
The look of a lab challenge varies depending on the topic. For lab challenges requiring access to a cloud environment, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). The setup includes initializing the necessary environments and completing the lab will require you to switch between tabs. For lab challenges that use a code environment, both the exercise and instructions will be within the same tab!
Tip: To get more space for your code challenge, reduce and hide the menu, or click the button in the upper right corner to detach the instructions into a separate tab. Close the tab to return to the previous view.
IMG needed:
Old session design + env
new lab session design (code)
Detach button highlighted + minimized/reduce menu
Legacy User Interface
New User Interface
Each Lab Challenge comes with:
A landing page.
A mission tab containing the instructions needed to accomplish the challenge goal (within a specific timeframe). Cloud lab challenges feature a primary tab with the mission description and a secondary tab for the environment.
A validation tab to check your knowledge by inspecting the state of the lab environment.
A result page
Note: The timer counts down during this process, and the time limit for the lab challenges accounts for initialization time, ensuring you have enough time to complete the challenge even after setup.
Completing a lab challenge updates your skill profile. If you stop a lab challenge midway, your progress is lost and your profile remains unchanged. To return to the lab, you must start from the beginning (you can restart the lab as many times as needed!)
After completing a lab challenge, you can rate it. The average rating from all learners will be available for your reference when choosing a lab.
Tip: If your corporate firewall prevents you from accessing our labs, try using the feature to access the labs while complying with your corporate policies. Ask Customer Support for more info on this feature!
As you're using the platform, please note that you can only have one active lab session at a time, whether you're accessing it as part of a business or as an individual user. If you try to start another Lab Session while one is already active, you'll be prompted to choose between the two active sessions.
If you already have an active session for a specific lab, you'll see a "Continue" button. Clicking on it will directly take you to the session page.
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