If you see a question about a fact that you don't remember seeing in a video, you might not have missed anything. Our practice exams are a measurement tool, but they are also another source of relevant information. We design our certification practice exams to reflect:
- Content in the lessons, labs, and resources you completed leading up to the exam
- Real-life experience of using the technology in the field
- The questions on the certification exam
Our goal is to create practice exams that get you as ready as possible for the actual certification exam. We use the practice exam as another opportunity to present you with information you may be asked about during certification.
When you review the results of your practice exam, you see which questions you got right or wrong, but also additional concepts and areas to research, including direct links to related documentation. You can follow these links on questions you got wrong as you prepare you for the exam as well as assess your understanding of the content.
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