When you create a training plan, you choose a due date when you want the training content to be complete, and the platform automatically chooses the time of day. You can see the expiration time on the Training Plan Details screen by hovering over the Due Date.
The platform chooses the time based on the time zone of the person creating the training plan. The training plan expires simultaneously for all members it's assigned to, regardless of the members' time zone. For example, if you create a training plan that expires at 11 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) and assign it to some members in ET and some members in Pacific Time (PT), the training plan is due at 11 p.m. on the due date for the members in ET and 8 p.m. on the due date for the members in PT.
The platform stores the due date in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). The UTC time is what appears in reports about the training plan.
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