Our Enterprise Intelligence Reports feature is available to all enterprise accounts, and can be used by administrators and team managers.
In this article we'll focus on the most frequently asked questions about the reports functionality.
What are the Reports and where can I find out more?
You can find more details about the Reports available and how to access them in a dedicated article here.
Is it possible to access the Reports using API?
Yes! You can find our public API documentation here.
Here is also a dedicated article with more information on how to access the Reports API.
How often is the data updated?
All data in the Reports is updated hourly. Please note, it may exclude any offline data from the Mobile App.
What timezone are the dates in?
All date times are in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Why are the date formats different in .csv and .xlsx Reports files in Microsoft Excel?
Raw data format is consistent across all date-time stamps, but you may notice specific differences in formatting in Microsoft Excel. You can fix it by applying custom formatting to specific columns, re-saving the .csv file as a .xlsx file type, or by using other editors.
Why are special characters not displaying correctly in Microsoft Excel / Google Sheets / my editor?
Whether you are using Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or another editor, each application may apply different default encoding to the CSV file. In case you notice any special characters or accents not displaying correctly, make sure UTF-8 encoding is applied - and if it isn't, try updating it and re-saving the file, or using the Data Import functionality to format the columns with encoding. If the issue still appears, try reviewing your local device language and regional settings.
Why are there differences in the Reports and Analytics Dashboard?
One of the 2 reasons for differences in the data from the Reports and Analytics Dashboard could be:
- Reports do not include data from members removed from your organization. Analytics Dashboard considers all members data from your organization.
- Reports and Analytics have a different representation of the same data: Reports show the data regarding the latest content version only, and Analytics show data and metrics about consumption of all content versions.
Have other questions about the Reports? Add them in the comments below or contact our support teams.
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