Need to assign time-sensitive training? You can set an expiration date if you don’t need any more of the training after a certain date. |
You can make a program automatically expire by setting up an "Expiration Date" or archive it manually.
Set an Expiration Date
When Creating a New Program
You can automatically make a Program expire by defining an "Expiration Date" under "Advanced Settings" when creating a new Program.
When Editing an existing Program
If you forgot to add the "Expiration Date" when creating the Program, you can still do it by editing the Program details. Within the creation flow, you will find the option under the "Advanced Settings".
When the expiration date is reached, the Program will be automatically archived. You will not be able to add or remove users after this date and no further progress will be possible for the users already assigned to it. |
Manually Archive
You can archive a program at any time from the program detail page by selecting the menu in the top-right corner.
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