This article talks about members and covers the features available for managing members. This article is intended for enterprise account users since only enterprise accounts have multiple members to manage. You must have the administrator, team manager, or stakeholder role to access information about members other than yourself.
This article contains the following sections:
What Is a Member
Members, sometimes called "users," are the people who have a license in your account. All people who access your account, regardless of whether they have training access, admin privileges, or are a part of a team, are members.
Administrators can access information about all the members in your account. Team managers and stakeholders can access information about the members of the teams in which they are the manager/stakeholder. Members can access information about themselves. When a member is part of multiple teams, the manager of one team might not be able to see all the information about training assignments from the manager of the other team. See Accessing a Member's Training Plan Progress.
Member Status
An enterprise user has a member status that indicates whether the member is permitted to use the platform. The following list shows the possible member statuses:
- Invited: After you invite a new member but before the new member accepts the invitation, the user is in Invited status.
- Active: A member who has accepted an invitation and permission to use the platform is in Active status.
- Deleted: If you delete a user from your account, the user has a Deleted status. Deleted users are generally excluded from your platform.
Invited and Active members appear on skill profiles and in analytics. You can filter the list of members by member status.
Member Spotlight
You can find information about a member on the member spotlight. You open the spotlight by clicking the member's profile picture anywhere you see it in the application. For example, when you open the Organization screen, and then click Advanced Search, you see a list of members.
Click any of the pictures to open the member spotlight. The member spotlight for that member appears.
From this spotlight, you can see a summary of the following types of information:
Member name: The member's name, job role, and email address appear in the top-left corner, along with an Actions menu. From this menu, you can:
- Add the member to another team
- Assign the member a job role
- Remove the member's current job role
- Move the member to a different team
- Change whether the member has content access
- Change the member's admin status
- Remove the member from your organization
- Account License: This section contains information about the member's account status and whether the user has content access. See Managing Members for more information about the details in this section.
- Teams: This section lists the teams the member belongs to. It also shows the member's role on each team. You can click the team name to open the team detail page.
- Training tab: This section shows the the member's progress on all the programs they are assigned.
- Statistics tab: This section shows a summary of the member's skill profile, as well as a graph of how much the member has used the training platform in the last 30 days.
- Certifications: This section lists the certifications the member has earned and uploaded, as well as the certificates of excellence the member has received for completing courses in QA. You can use the search bar to search the names of the items in this section.
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