Welcome to the Lab Guide for the ELB Application Load Balancer Challenge! This lab guide will walk you through the solutions for the challenge.
It's important to remember that as a challenge lab there is typically no guidance, as we want to challenge the user to do this on their own. You can read more about our challenges in our Help Center article located here: Lab Challenges
Being as you have tried the challenge and are in need of some additional insight, we have included the solutions for each of the challenge's criteria below:
*Note that a CloudFront distribution will take up to 15 minutes to deploy. You do not have to wait for it to completely deploy in order to complete this lab.*
- Navigate to EC2 -> Target groups
- Enter a name and leave all other options at the default
- Click Next and Create target group
- Navigate to EC2 -> Load Balancers -> Create load balancer
- Click Create in Application Load Balancer card
- Name: can be anything
- VPC: Leave default VPC selected
- Select us-west-2a and us-west-2b
- Select subnet-a-public and subnet-b-public
- Security groups: Select secgrp-cloudfront-challenge
- Listeners and routing: Select student's target group
- Scroll to bottom and click Create load balancer
*You can also use the default security group and modify it to allow port 80.
- Navigate to EC2 -> Auto Scaling Groups
- Select the lab created group and click Edit
- Scroll down to Load balancing, check Application, Network or Gateway Load Balancer target groups
- Select the student created target group
- Scroll to bottom and click Update
- Navigate to CloudFront and click Create a CloudFront distribution
- Origin domain: Select the load balancer under Elastic load balancer
- Cache key and origin requests: Change CachePolicy to CachingDisabled
- Settings: Change the Price Class to Use only North America and Europe
- Scroll to bottom and click Create distribution
- Navigate to CloudFront -> Click name of distribution -> Behaviors tab -> Create behavior
- Path pattern: /image
- Origin and origin groups: Select domain name for load balancer ending in elb.amazonaws.com
- Leave all other options at the default
- Scroll to bottom and click Create behavior
I hope this helps! When you have the time, please retake the challenge and feel free to use the answer key above to pass. If you have any additional questions or concerns, you may reach out to Customer Support by emailing us at support@cloudacademy.com.
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