Hello and welcome to QA's lab guide for our hands-on lab Serve your files using the CloudFront CDN.
Creating, controlling, and maintaining a CDN is vitally important to any worldwide business. Amazon CloudFront is AWS's content delivery network (CDN) service built for high performance, security, and developer convenience.
There are several steps to creating and testing the CDN in our lab. The security rules we place on student AWS accounts can sometimes cause confusion for our students and we want to take a minute to point out spots that students reported were the most troublesome.
Go to CloudFront services. Click the Create a CloudFront distribution with the details below. Under Origin, in the Origin Domain drop-down, select the S3 bucket you created in the previous lab step:
Scroll down to Settings, and in the Price class selection, select Use only North America and Europe:
In the Default root object field, enter /gallery/index.html.
Click Create distribution and you should be able to see the below
You should then be able to pass the check.
If the issue persists even after following the above steps, this may be stemming from the account ID generated for the lab. If this happens, please close the lab by using the red END LAB button at the bottom of the instructions page.
You can then retry using different student credentials. If this continues, please send support@cloudacademy.com the account ID associated with the session so our lab team will be notified. The Account ID should look similar to the following: 591231237037.
I hope you have found these extra steps helpful! If you have any additional questions or concerns please email support@cloudacademy.com
Happy Training!
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