Welcome to QA's lab guide for Introduction to the Elastic File System hands-on lab. In AWS, the Elastic File System is cloud based storage solution that automatically grows and shrinks as you add and remove files with no need for management or provisioning. It's, therefore, important to master.
In this hands-on lab, QA walks you through some of the basics. We wanted to take a moment in this guide to point out some key spots in Step 4: Mounting a File system, where you need to be extra careful.
When copying out of AWS, you may use the copy button as circled below, or you may highlight it and then copy.
Put the command in your notepad or somewhere on your local computer for safe keeping:
Go back to the browser tab with the EC2 Instance Connect terminal. Copy and paste the commands required ensuring all of them are correct.
It's important to remember that if you receive "connection: Timeout" error messages, you might have a corporate firewall or a network limitation. In that case, I recommend trying the lab again using your home network or the bridge connection (if your organization has it enabled. If so, click on the Bridge connection button underneath the lab credentials on the lab instructions page.) If you don't see a Bridge connection button, then I recommend using another network.
I hope these extra steps have helped and If you have any additional questions or concerns please email support@cloudacademy.com
Happy Training!
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