Hello and welcome to QA's lab guide for Introduction to AWS Step Functions.
AWS Step Functions is a visual workflow service that helps developers use AWS services to build distributed applications, automate processes, orchestrate microservices, and create data and machine learning (ML) pipelines.
Most students who report issues are stuck on the file step - Creating a State Machine. This is the last of seven steps and you need to perform them exactly right in order for the machine to create correctly. In order to do this, we wanted to list out these final tasks to provide better insight.
Ensure that the lab environment has fully loaded to 100% before starting
The first six steps must be followed strictly to ensure that the next steps will not end with an error
Go to Step Functions and click on State Machines
Click on create machine and ensure you have the below settings:
Write your workflow in code and Type: Standard:
Paste the given JSON code in the definition, and make sure to replace all instances of "account_ID" with your actual account ID for the session. There are 4 instances. Once you have replaced it, you will have the below result; if the expected diagram is not appearing, check your JSON code:
Click on next and name the machine as below:CompleteLevelFlow
Under Permissions, check Choose an existing role and select theStateServiceRolerole under Existing roles:
Click create state machine.
Click the Start execution button and paste the JSON in the Input field.
Click start execution at the bottom and you should have the below results:
This should let you pass the task:
5. Continue with the rest of the tasks, and make sure you have selected the correct region and that all settings, values, and names are exactly as described in the instructions. You should be able to complete the lab.
I hope this extra explanation of the final step helps you complete the hands-on lab. If you have any additional questions or concerns please email support@cloudacademy.com
Happy Training!
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