At the top left of the Skill Profile, you see a panel titled Top skill.
You might expect your top skill to be your skill with the highest score. However, your top skill is actually the skill with the highest ranking relative to other users who have a score for the skill.
A higher skill score can rank lower than a lower skill score, depending on how the other users performed on this skill. The following graphic shows an example:
In the example, the skill score for Compute for Azure is 453, which ranks in the 89th percentile. However, the skill score for Containers is only 379 but ranks in the 98th percentile. This occurred because the average score for Compute for Azure is higher than the average score for Containers, so it's harder to ranks as high.
See How QA Calculates Box Plots for more information about the box plot that appears on the Top Skill panel. Also, see How QA Calculates Skill Scores for more information about the skill scores themselves.
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