Welcome to the QA lab guide for Configuring a Static Website With S3 And CloudFront!
A common report we receive from students is that they receive the following message from AWS:
" Your account must be verified before you can add new CloudFront resources. To verify your account, please contact AWS Support (https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/) and include this error message."
This is caused by an issue with the account ID. Please End the lab using the red End Lab button at the bottom of your instructions page and then restart the lab. Each lab presents a different set of credentials and a different cloud environment.
Also, you can find the steps used to create and deploy a distribution below:
Notice the fields I entered below for the Create distribution section:
It took a few minutes to complete the deployment, but eventually the following was shown:
This also made the validation check pass:
If you have any additional questions or concerns please email support@cloudacademy.com
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