You can start your training by choosing a job role or by following a training suggestion on the dashboard, but sometimes you just want to search the training library for exactly what you're looking for.
There are obvious filtering tools that you see on the search results screen. See Training Library Search for more information on these tools.
However, there are also some less visible capabilities to focus your search from the start that you might not have known about.
If you enter your search string and then follow it with a minus sign (-) and another string, the search will return only results that have the the search terms but NOT the one after the minus sign. For example, you might search:
big -data
This search returns items that include the word "big" but excludes any that include the word "data."
Tip: This tool can exclude search results by content type as well. For example, if you want to exclude questions from the search result, you could add -question to the end. Keep in mind, though, that that would also exclude other types of content that include the word "question"!
"string string"
You can search for an exact match of one or more words by using quotation marks around the phrase you want to search for. For example, you might search:
big data
This search returns everything with the word "big" or the word "data." If, instead, you used this search:
"big data"
You would get more targeted results with only the items that contain those two words in that order.
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